Universal Journal of Educational Research

ISSN: 2960-3714 (Print) 

ISSN: 2960-3722 (Online)

Dance Ethnography: An Analysis on Aeta Ambala Tribe of Barangay Tubo-tubo, Bataan

Suggested citation: 

Sinag, J. M. (2022). Dance Ethnography: An Analysis on Aeta Ambala Tribe of Barangay Tubo-tubo, Bataan. Universal Journal of Educational Research, 1(4), 218-231. Available at https://www.ujer.org/vol1no4/article614

Jay Mark D. Sinag

Bataan Peninsula State University, Orani, Bataan, Philippines


Philippine folk dances can be dated back as early as the pre-colonial period which inherited by our forefathers and passed through several generations of Filipinos. These traditional dances are considered treasures of our homeland for they depict the humble beginnings of our native countrymen and serve as a symbol of national identity. The study utilized focused ethnography and was limited on the documentation of the ethnic dance of Ayta Ambala’s tribe, their cultural values along with its cultural heritage situated at Barangay Tubo-Tubo, Dinalupihan, Bataan which were considered unpublished, especially their respective dance patterns or movements. There were ten (10) informants involved in the study. Five (5) were key informants (KIs) who represent the emic perspective while five (5) were general informants (GIs) who represent the etic perspective of the paper. Findings revealed that Dances of Ayta Ambala include: Courtship (Sayaw Magligaw), Ceremonial (Sayaw Talipe), and Occupational (Sayaw Pangangaho). The said dances reflect different activities that are commong among the tribe. It also includes the historical background, costume, time signature, props, structural formation, dance steps, and figures. Although the values are not directly presented, these are still manifesting through the themes of their dances. Included in the cultural values are bravery, respect, and gratitude which are also part of the embodiment of different dances of Ayta Ambala. As observed, the other two emerging themes are also connected to the cultural heritage of Ayta Ambala. This means, their dances mirror their surroundings, their daily activities, and their identity as tribes. The emerging themes on cultural heritage are religious beliefs, courtships, and livelihood.

KEYWORDS: Ayta Ambala, culture, dances, ethnography, heritage, values


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