Universal Journal of Educational Research

ISSN: 2960-3714 (Print) 

ISSN: 2960-3722 (Online)

Guidelines for the Editors


The peer-review procedure and the journal's content are both under the control of the journal's editors, who are authorities in their respective fields of study. The editorial board's members are all employed by organizations related to business, academia, and research. Their duties include handling manuscript peer review, recommending whether a work should be accepted or rejected, and attracting submissions of the highest caliber.

Editorial Experts' Responsibilities

Every year, the Editorial Board is updated, which includes the removal of inactive members and the installation of new experts.

The editorial candidates' applications are much appreciated. To apply, send an email to a managing editor of the chosen journal and include a file with your resume (including your present workplace, occupation, education, areas of scientific interest, kinds of work, publications, and a list of the journals where you serve as an editor or a reviewer, a contact email, and a link to your university's personal page).

Editorial Experts' Duties

Only the journal's editors have the authority to decide which of the submitted papers will be published. The Editorial Board members may be consulted in this decision by the Editor.

Equal Opportunity: The editors evaluate papers without taking into account the characteristics of the writers or the host institution, such as the authors' race, gender, religious affiliation, ethnic background, citizenship, or political philosophies.

Statement of Confidentiality: Except for the authors of the article, reviewers, prospective reviewers, the publisher, the editors, members of the Editorial Boards, and any editorial staff may not disclose information about a submitted manuscript to anybody.

Conflict of Interest: Unpublished materials provided in a submitted manuscript may not be utilized by the editors or other Editorial Board members for their own study without the author's prior written agreement.

Decision-making for Publication: The papers submitted to the journal to be published are decided by the editorial board. Such judgments must always be guided by the work in question's validity and its significance to scholars and readers. The editorial board's rules and the laws that will then be in effect regarding libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism may serve as the editors' guides and limitations. In making this choice, the editors may consult with other editors or reviewers.

Manuscript Review Process: The editor must make sure that each paper is first assessed for originality by the editor. The editor should fairly and intelligently arrange and utilize peer review. In the material for authors, editors should outline their peer review procedures and specify which sections of the journal are peer-reviewed. For manuscripts that are being considered for publication, editors should utilize acceptable peer reviewers by choosing individuals with enough competence and avoiding those who have conflicts of interest.